DOLLY V1.00 - Hard Drive Cloning And Imaging Utility (c) 1996, 97, 98 by Plug'n Play GbR, Uwe Gissemann, Dirk Knoblauch 1. OVERVIEW DOLLY is an utility for copying, imaging and cloning hard drives. It copies drives (FD and HD) physically, sector by sector. DOLLY can copy drives to drives, drives to files, files to drives and files to files. With DOLLY you can easily clone a system or create backups. The backups can be put onto drives or into files. You can store the images on CD-ROM and later restore a drive from the CD-ROM. After copying to hard drives the CLONING MODE makes these drives bootable. DOLLY works fast. A typical image of a 1GB HD takes only 5 minutes to create. DOLLY is easy to use. As a pure DOS command line program it has a syntax similar to DOS' XCOPY program. For example 'DOLLY hd128: hd129 /c' means create an image of the first drive on the second drive that is ready to boot. DOLLY works with DOS 3.2 and up. Do not use DOLLY under WINDOWS 95 and above. CAUTION: DOLLY IS INTENDED TO BE USED BY COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS ONLY. IMPROPER USE OF DOLLY MAY CAUSE SEVERE DAMAGE TO YOU SYSTEM. 2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - 286 processor and up - 4 MB RAM and up 3. INSTALLATION Simply copy the DOLLY.EXE to your drive or diskette. You should use DOLLY under DOS only. If you have WINDOWS 95 you must boot your system in pure DOS mode (not DOS box!). 4. HOW TO USE DOLLY DOLLY is a DOS command line program with a syntax similar to DOS' XCOPY. Its syntax is DOLLY [/options] The source and target parameters can be: - Physical drives (e.g. hd128:) - Usual DOS file names or file masks (e.g. c:\myimage.img) Example: 'DOLLY hd128; d:\myimage.img' copies the first physical drive to file 'd:\myimage.img'. 4.1. The PHYSICAL DRIVE parameter Possible physical drives are: HD0: HD1: The floppy drives A: and B: HD128: HD129: HD130: The physical hard drives accessed via HD131: HD132: HD133: usual INT13 XHD128: XHD129: XHD130: The physical hard drives accessed via XHD131: XHD132: XHD133: INT13 extensions (please read chapter INT13 EXTENSIONS) If you use the physical drive parameter DOLLY copys the whole drive. If you only want to copy a part of the drive you can add a sector range: HD128:0-999999 This specifies the first 1000000 sectors on HD128. If you omit one of the sector numbers DOLLY will use the value determined by the size of the hard drive. For example HD128:-999999 specifies the range from the first sector (=sector 0) to sector 999999. This is equivalent to the example above. A different example: HD128:1000000- specifies the range from sector 1000000 to the end of drive. You can specify a single sector with HD128:0 4.1.1. INT13 extensions If you want to access drives larger than 8GB you should use the XHDxxx instead of the HDxxx parameter. This enables the INT13 extension. Please notice that only newer drives and mainboard understand these extensions. 4.2. The DOS FILE NAME parameter The DOS file name parameter is usually a normal dos name for a file an image is copied to or copied from. For Example DOLLY HD128:-1000 D:\MYIMAGE.IMG will copy the first 1001 sectors from HD128 to the file D:\MYIMAGE.IMG. The command DOLLY D:\MYIMAGE.IMG HD130:1000- will copy the file D:\MYIMAGE.IMG to HD130 starting at sector 1000. 4.2.1. The DOS FILE NAME parameter with file mask Instead of giving a complete file name such as MYIMAGE.IMG you can use a mask like *.IMG. Here, DOLLY creates a file, naming it after the start sector of the file's content. To enable the file mask parameter you must include the /M option. Example: DOLLY HD128: D:\*.IMG /M will create the file D:\0.IMG containing the whole HD128. The command DOLLY HD128:1000-2000 D:\*.IMG /M will create the file D:\1000.IMG containing sector 1000-2000 of HD128. To make DOLLY create multiple files, just add a number to the /M option. The command DOLLY HD128: D:\*.IMG /M100000 will create the files: 0.IMG containing sectors 0-99999 of HD128 100000.IMG containing sectors 100000-199999 of HD128 and so on... This can very useful because smaller files are easier to handle and to store on other media like CD-ROMS. Multiple image files can easily be restored to the hard drive: DOLLY D:\*.IMG HD128: /M This command will read all your files 0.IMG, 100000.IMG and so on and copy them to the correct sectors on HD128. 5. OPTIONS 5.1. Ignore Errors /I Use the /I option to make DOLLY ignore errors. If you do not specify this option DOLLY terminates on any read error. 5.2. Retry /Rn This option lets DOLLY perform n retries after a read error. 5.3. Cloning Mode /C This option makes DOLLY modify the partition tables during the copy process. These table are adjusted to the geometry of the destination drive. Using the /C option only makes sense if the destination is a physical drive. 5.4. Multiple File Mask /Mn This option allows you to use a file mask (e.g. '*.img') instead of a fixed file name for a file name parameter. It is useful for splitting an image into multiple files. When creating the multiple files the value N determines the size of each file. 5.5. Assume YES On Questions /Y Use this option for batch processing. Any question (including security related questions) will be answered with 'Y'. 6. EXAMPLES DOLLY HD128: d:\0.img Read all sectors from the first hard drive (128) and write the results into file d:\0.img. DOLLY HD128:0-1000000 d:\0.img /i Read sector 0 to 1000000 from first hard drive (128) and write the results into file d:\0.img. Do not stop on errors. DOLLY HD128: d:\*.img /m100000 Read all sectors from the first hard drive (128) and write the results into files d:\0.img, d:\100000.img,...etc. These files will have a size of 100000 sectors each (=50MB) DOLLY HD128: XHD129: Read all sectors from the first hard drive (128) and write the results to the second hard drive (129). Access HD 129 via BIOS INT13 extensions. EXAMPLE: DOLLY HD128: HD129: /c Read all sectors from the first hard drive (128) and write the results to the second hard drive (129). Use cloning mode to make HD 129 bootable. 7. REGISTRATION DOLLY may be used for a trial period of 30 days. After this time it must either be registered or deleted from the user's system. To register you need to do the following: - Print out the file REGISTER.TXT - Add the code DOLLY shows each time you start it ('ABCD EFGH...') - Complete the form with the information requested (Credit card#) - Fax the form to +49-30-292 60 63 We will return the registration key to you within 1 hour after receiving the order form. (if we receive your registration within our office hours) - Enter the received code at the point where you usually entered 'TRIAL' during the trial period. 8. DISCLAIMER PLUG'N PLAY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE IS ERROR FREE. PLUG'N PLAY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL PLUG'N PLAY BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF THE DELIVERY, PERFORMANCE OR USE OF THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF PLUG'N PLAY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL PLUG'N PLAY'S LIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIM, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY, EXCEED THE LICENSE FEE PAID BY THE BUYER.